Deradoorian – The Expanding Flower Planet

Released in 2015 on Anticon Records


This album is truly “psychedelic”; It’s not the retro-garage rock with trippy effects that constitutes “psych” these days, but music that induces introspection and exploration of  the mysterious crevices of the mind. There are definitely aspects of psychedelic music to be found – Can-inspired drums, tribal percussion, slithering bass grooves, eastern scales, keyboard drones – but this music manages to sound completely fresh and unique. Perhaps what sets her apart most is her acrobatic, virtuosic voice, which serves not only lyrical and melodic purposes, but rhythmic, atmospheric and harmonic as well. Wordless vocals are overdubbed, harmonized and effects-processed (sometimes to the point where they are barely recognizable) into every possible layer, creating a strong backbone and cohesiveness to the album. The lyrics, like the music, reveal Deradoorian’s willingness not only to face, but embrace the void within herself and channel it as a source of creativity and spiritual growth.

Recommended for those who know that “psychedelic” is not a sound, but a spirit of creativity and exploration within the mind. Those who know Deradoorian for her work with Dirty Projectors will appreciate the complex arrangements and production, albeit in a much more mysterious context. Fans of Bjork, Robert Wyatt, Black Moth Super Rainbow, or Can will prob dig


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