Young Jesus – The Whole Thing is Just There

Released in 2018 on Saddle Creek Records


“Spending time in measured ways to measure life, see time erode so easily. Find seconds of activity and go back to overwhelmed. Let’s build a new community…It’s not enough to hate the world we live within.”

The Whole Thing is Just There is another beautiful and life-affirming release from Young Jesus, the second with the current L.A. iteration of the band. Their inter-band chemistry seems stronger than ever, with telepathic improvisations, symbiotic catharses, and a mutual love for each other that is easily felt from a listener’s perspective. The lyrics deal with self-exploration and one’s relationship with the world around them, finding solace in spirituality, existentialism, literature, and the ethos of free jazz. Stylistically the music seems rooted in late-90’s indie rock and emo, with seamless but adventurous detours into post-rock, noisy post-hardcore, and free improvisation. Excited to see where these guys go next.

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