- Adventurous: Albums that are action-packed and exploratory, mostly instrumental. Think riding through the jungle in a jeep with Indiana Jones. See also: Exploratory
- Aggressive
- Angsty
- Anxious
- Apocalyptic
- Atmospheric
- Autumnul: Autumn vibes, orange
- Bittersweet
- Breezy: Light and easy, good vibes
- Brooding
- Busy
- Carefree
- Cathartic
- Chaotic
- Cinematic
- Cold
- Colorful
- Communal
- Complex
- Confident
- Contemplative: Music that gives you space for contemplation, or has contemplative lyrics. See also: Introspective, Reflective
- Cosmic: Vast, expansive music that recalls the cosmos, often with a spiritual undertone
- Dark
- Depressive
- Desert
- Driving
- Eclectic
- Eerie
- Elegant
- Energetic
- Epic
- Ethereal
- Exploratory
- Fiery (See also: Passionate)
- Forest
- Futuristic
- Gloomy
- Groovy
- Happy
- Heartbroken
- Heavy
- Hedonistic
- Hypnotic
- Intense
- Intimate
- Introspective
- Light
- Lonely
- Loner – As opposed to “lonely” moods, albums with a “loner” vibe tend to appreciate and romanticize solitude. (See also: Outsider)
- Loose
- Meandering: Music that wanders in noparticular direction
- Meditative: Music that puts the mind in a meditative state, usually either rhythmically hypnotic or soft/soothing.
- Melancholy
- Mellow
- Monochromatic
- Monolithic
- Morning
- Mournful
- Murky
- Mysterious
- Nocturnal
- Noisy
- Ominous
- Outsider
- Passionate
- Paranoid
- Pastoral
- Peaceful
- Philosophical
- Playful
- Poetic
- Powerful
- Primal
- Psychedelic: Not strictly referring to psychedelic as a style, but music that makes you “wander in the mind” and seems to have synesthetic, hallucinogenic properties
- Rainy
- Raw
- Retro
- Romantic
- Rootsy
- Rustic
- Sad
- Satirical
- Sensual
- Sentimental
- Serpentine: Slithery, snake-like qualities
- Sexual
- Shadowy
- Simple
- Sinister
- Sleepy
- Slow
- Soothing
- Sparse
- Spiritual
- Stoned
- Summer
- Sunny
- Surreal
- Suspenseful
- Theatric
- Tribal
- Upbeat
- Uplifting
- Vibrant
- Warm
- Watery